April Reflections

Apr 30, 2024

Hello Loves,

April glorious April!

The best month ever because it’s my BIRTHDAY month. That’s right! I’m an Aries sun, Cancer moon, and Leo rising with five planets in Taurus. So I’m excitable, emotional and fiery with a big dose of stubbornness. Ha! I have a kazillion ideas and like to move fast onto the next great thing. But internally and at home, I’m more of an introvert – quiet and thoughtful and caring for those around me. Then boom, back to center stage with my lion-self lovefest. And through it all, the headaches and heartaches, I stay incredibly grounded.

Happy birthday Aries folks! (And cheers to the rest of you. xo)

The thing about spring that I love the most, even more than my birthday, is gardening time. I joined a co-op and now have two good sized garden beds that were built by me. Yippee! Spring has sprung!

I like to create a loose plan, buy a ton of seeds, and then let the creativity begin. (I’ll be posting the progress on my Instagram stories.) First thing I did when my beds were prepped was to saw some branches from the compost pile, and make them into a teepee trellis. Then I wrapped hemp string around them and planted peas. I love reusing nature’s castoffs. Any way that I can reduce, reuse or recycle, I do. Now I must wait. Will the peas germinate? Will they produce a vine? Will they produce peas?

Putting seeds into the earth takes the right timing and conditions. Same goes for the rest of our plans in life. I remind myself of this frequently. How you tend your seeds can make an impact on them. Same with your dreams. Just like I seed my garden in hopes of harvesting nourishing food for my body, I seed my dreams with nourishing ideas and thoughts in hopes that they can manifest. Divine timing is real.

Happy days of rain showers and sunshine and bird song and friendships.

With love-







  1. Lea!
    The whole first paragraph is me, too!
    This is lovely, my Friend! Congratulations to you and your happy life! After all, it is the name of the game. Thank you for the great teepee trellis idea! I took a couple of half-sized bags of dried beans and scattered them over my garden bed. Now, I know what I’m going to do!
    I am an Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon with Pisces rising!
    Have an amazing remainder of the month and the upcoming month ahead! xo

    1. Teresa!
      Thank you so much for reading my blog and and leaving a message:)
      Much love to you. xo Happy you are in the garden!
      And happy birthday Aries Sister!!!
      Big big hugs!

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