Hello Loves, I live in a small town 80km east of Vancouver. I have called this community my home for over thirteen years now. I decided that I wanted to deepen my connection to my community by finding more people in alignment with who I am today, and what interests me. I pulled out paper… Continue reading Community
Category: Healing
Hello Loves, This Aries would have gone nuts by now if hadn’t moved my body. My number one stress reliever, trauma healer, anxiety cure is movement. I love moving my body. I need to move my body. If I don’t move my body, my energy either gets stagnant and sluggish and I don’t do a… Continue reading Movement
Hello Loves, I love my spiritual path. I was raised in an atheist household, which for me, was a blessing. I was able to explore and intuit for myself my own spiritual beliefs. I started down this path when I was twenty years old. I remember perusing the shelves of an ancient bookstore and finding… Continue reading Teachers
Hello Loves, My friendships have been my foundation in my life. I’ve been blessed with many friends. I had my best buds in elementary school who were a gang of tomboys. We ruled the monkey bars, swings, and slide. We played tag and red rover out in the field, and our jeans had grass stains… Continue reading Friendship
Hello Loves, Sorry for the late blog post. I’m recovering from Covid. I am so grateful that I’ve prioritized rest in my life. Whether it’s resting from illness, resting from lack of sleep or exhaustion, or resting to rejuvenate, rest has a rare healing quality that nothing else compares to. I haven’t always been a… Continue reading Rest
Hello Loves, Thousands of beautiful humans have been following my Instagram account @lealovewriter, where I’ve posted daily quotes to feed our souls. I’ve been using my blog for the past couple of years as an outlet to write about my experiences with intimate partner violence. My internal closets have been cleaned out of the pain… Continue reading Tarot
Hello Loves, Books are my everything. I love waking up in the morning, sitting at my table sipping tea, and flipping through a book of quotes or meditations or inspirations. I read something and really let it sink in. It truly helps to set the vibe for my day. In the afternoons, I read on… Continue reading Reading
Hello Loves, I’ve been alive for approximately 18, 632 days, this life time 🙂 Within those thousands of days, music has been my constant. It started with the music of my mother’s heart beat – the stable beat of her life, giving me life. When I was born, it was the music of her voice… Continue reading Music
Hello Loves, In my twenties I picked up a book by a well-loved Tibetan-Buddhist Rinpoche (monk). He told a story about how he was waiting outside of his house at the curb for a cab driver to pick him up and take him to the airport. The cab driver was late, and when he did… Continue reading Presence
Hello Loves, There is no problem too big for nature to solve. Nature is the soothsayer. The mystic. The healer. The Wise One. The magician. The teacher. The mother. I take all of my worries, fears, doubts, woes, and insecurities to nature. She is my greatest companion. I’ll meander along a trail deep into a… Continue reading Nature
Hello Loves, I have journaled for as long as I can remember. It started with a tiny locked diary when I was a kid. I wrote things like – today I ate mac n cheese for lunch and it was delicious and then I rode my bike and then I had to do homework which… Continue reading Journaling
Hello Loves, A lot of people didn’t believe me. Even well-intentioned friends. That was one of the hardest realities of leaving my X, and discussing the sad fact of the abuse he inflicted on our family. The first person who didn’t believe me was my father. His words went from – relationships are tough and… Continue reading Belief